Diane MacDonald


(posted on 1 Jul 2024)

It’s not what you look at that matters,
It’s what you see

Henry David Thoreau

Summer, lazy/hazy, goes hand in hand with art and art shows.  Art off the Fence on South Pender Island has been a prime destination for 27 years, and will open for the 28th time July 20th and 21st.

An eclectic presentation including painting, photography, pottery, woodwork, folk art - all outdoors - will offer visitors plenty of time to go from looking to seeing.  

Off-island visitors need to be aware that remediation of Canal Road means that the road will be closed from 10 until 2 that day.  There are plenty of splendid places to spend time on South Pender if you decide to arrive before the road closes at 10, and the show will be open at 11.  There will be a tour with the artists on Saturday at 3 to more formally open the show.  On Sunday the road will be open all day.

Tapestry is one of the images I will be displaying at the show.  To me, it offers more to see the more you look.  Dive in!  I hope to see you at the show.


P.S.  One of my images (that will not be showing at Art off the Fence) has been juried into the Sooke Fine Arts Show.  The show runs July 27th through August 5th - mark you calendars.  I plan to write further about the Sooke show in a future post. 





(posted on 15 Jun 2024)

a brush, a lens, & a press

The current exhibition at Fortune Gallery in Victoria’s Chinatown features the work of Barbra Edwards, Dave Skilling, and me.  We have been working towards this show for months, but until a week ago we had not seen one another’s work in person.  Last Saturday was hanging day and the magic we were hoping for slowly emerged - the pieces speak to each other and the whole is cohesive.



One of my photography mentors said something that stuck with me - “beware of interesting things”.  Over the years I’ve given that considerable thought, pondering her meaning.  I don’t think she was suggesting that photographers look for uninteresting things!  I think she meant that anybody with any kind of a camera can snap a picture.  The art in photography is to find a unique viewpoint, a personal approach to the subject.  In other words what is important is not the subject itself, but the singular vision of the photographer.  This is true for artists in all mediums - it is in the unique expression that we glimpse both the artist and the art.

We hope you will be able to visit this week - Fortune Gallery is open every day except Monday from noon to five.  I will be there tomorrow (Sunday) and Wednesday through Saturday next week.  Show comes down mid-afternoon Saturday June 22nd.





Gathered Landscapes
a brush, a lens, & a press

18 months ago Barbra Edwards approached Dave Skilling, a print maker in Victoria, and me to explore the possibility of collaborating to create a show, “Gathered Landscapes”. 

Gathering landscapes was too delicious to resist!  There is magnetism in the beauty that surrounds us.  “You don’t know what you got til it’s gone” (Tom Keifer).  Recognizing, recording, and interpreting what we have is a meaningful way to highlight the importance of our natural environment.

Barbra’s organic paintings reflect forest and shoreline shapes that have infused themselves into her subconscious (https://www.barbraedwards.com/).   Dave (IG @dave_skilling) enjoys the multi-stage process of linocut printmaking. The rich visual clues and patterns of his natural surroundings provide him with endless inspiration for his studio work.  

In State of Wonder, Ann Patchett reminds us to “Never be so focused on what you’re looking for that you overlook the thing you actually find”.  Surprise is a silver lining in art-making for both the artist and the viewer.  The process of gathering has been a joy and we hope you will join us to see what we’ve gathered.

Gathered Landscapes opens two weeks from today.







(posted on 30 Nov 2023)

It is sometime since I’ve written and 'delivered' Musings. I’m delighted to have reason to be back at it.  Kim Pollard recently opened an exquisite art gallery at Hope Bay and, for December, is exhibiting the work of several Pender Island artists. Participating artists and details about the show are displayed on the poster below.

My camera is my constant companion - I love how it frames what we see around us.  In this show my work revolves around elements in nature that we might otherwise overlook, and gives them a “stage” of their own.  I want to draw attention to colours, shapes, and textures - to the incredible details even in the most insignificant and mundane ‘fragments’ of nature.  The image below is among the work of mine that will be shown; professionally printed and framed, it measures 12"x12".


(posted on 29 Oct 2023)

Musings was created mainly with travel in mind.  I am pausing travelogue posts for now but will continue to use "Musings" to deliver messages when I have information to communicate to the mailing list. 

All of the work shown on this site can be printed in various sizes on archival paper. If you would like more information about any of the work you see on this website, please contact me by email at http://diane@dianemacdonaldphotography.com  Thank you for your interest.

(posted on 1 Oct 2022)


We "closed the circle" on Thursday arriving back in Vancouver after two months away.  Much of the trip west was spectacular.  After miles of flat and endless fields of corn, the sudden rise of the Badlands (South Dakota) was both welcome and striking.  The gentle pinks piercing the blue skies, the occasional wildlife, totally captivating.


More highways, more corn, and then the Black Hills of Mount Rushmore fame - northwestern South Dakota.  A few years ago we witnessed the presidents carved from rock, but hadn't seen Crazy Horse - equally ambitious and impressive.  The 172 meter high carving was started in 1948 and continues today - initially the dream of Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear who invited sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski to carve a memorial honouring North American Indians.

The white plaster cast below stands at the visitor center, a model of the plan for the finished carving; in the distance the progress so far.


Waterton Glacier International Peace Park, jointly shared by Alberta and Montana was the next highlight.  We set out before sunrise one morning in Montana to drive "The Road to the Sun".  The pavement curves, precipitously clinging to the sides of those rocky mountains, every corner offering expansive unparalleled mountain vistas and dramatic drops to the river below.

We came upon the locally famous "Wild Goose Island" as the sun rose, and were lucky enough to see it again on our return - we drove the road west for two hours and back east again immediately.  The RV was neither welcome nor practical on the winding roads, so we used our tow car for the journey - happily retracing our tracks for the 'reverse views'.


The dark shadow below is cast by our motorhome transiting the golden fields between Glacier and Waterton.  Although they are united as one park, it is currently necessary to exit Glacier Park to cross into Canada before reentering Waterton.

Perhaps the "signature" of the park, Waterton Lakes Lodge welcomes the visitor on arrival to the Alberta side of the peace park.  While there is no equivalent "highway to the sun", the park and its lakes are hugged by glorious mountains, the sides of which, sadly, are now viciously and extensively scarred by fire. Somehow the beauty is not diminished - the power of the peaks somehow more visible through the leafless trees.


And then, BC.  The drive through the Kootenays is beautiful; lake after lake and cotton-candy skies greeting us with each turn.


The changes are startling - suddenly there's a transition to dry Okanagan grasslands and Kamloops country sage, and more lakes.

The ultimate conclusion - on our final day we were treated to the sight, from the safety of our RV, of a mama bear with three cubs traipsing across a nearby field.  After prolific "Wildlife Corridor" signs lining so many of our routes, it was a delightful surprise to see bears appear without warning.  We were in their environment, not vice-versa.  Encouraging.

It's good to be home.  I'm running out of superlatives.

Happy Thanksgiving.


We camped in Ontario with son and grandsons at Bon Echo Provincial Park - a weather adventure with a two hour walk in torrential rain one day and a canoe trip interrupted by an electrical storm the next.  Our spirits weren't dampened and the family tent remained dry on the inside.  Mel and I were happy to be in the RV!

Leaving Ottawa we headed for the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg just north of Toronto where we found a special exhibition of the work of Vancouver artist Gathie Falk.  Gathie's work is eclectic and intriguing, ranging from video to paint to clay.

Lake Huron wasn't far away and after an overnight there we headed back to the US, once again to circumvent the long northern miles around Lake Superior.

US prairie and farm country is hard to distinguish from Canadian farmland and barns and corn are ubiquitous.

That peaceful farmland was rudely interrupted when we hit the big time... you want to be sure of your destination!

Big rigs rule!

Gary Indiana ran into Chicago Illinois, and Chicago almost ran into Milwaukee, Wisconsin where we exited the freeway with relief and were rewarded with a visit to the spectacular Milwaukee Art Museum with its spreading sails.  The "wings" open when the museum opens, close and reopen at noon, and close at the end of the day. 

The interior is equally magnificent in terms of scale, both of the architecture and the artwork.

So much space!  Nothing crowded here.

Back to the prairies, gradually flatter and flatter with more and MORE bugs.

The Missouri River - much like the Okanagan for a few miles before the land flattened again.  The sign reads, "Beware of Poisonous Snakes".

It's possible to remove the bug spots on the photographs but this is "real".

Division of labour.  I did the dinner dishes!  Off to a clean start tomorrow.


(posted on 21 Aug 2022)

A week ago we were in Morden, Manitoba where this water gym was a popular attraction at the municipal campsite.  From Morden we skirted the east side of North Dakota to get to the northwest shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota.  Lots of big sky country, drama in the clouds, and cheer in the fields of sunflowers.

A Minneapolis friend pointed us to some local highlights not far north of Duluth in and around Two Harbors.

From there it was a long drive through Wisconsin and Michigan (at times an obstacle course through construction cones) to return to Canada at Sault Ste Marie.

A lakeside campsite in Michigan before we crossed the border made my camera happy.

Now we're an hour from family and friends in Ottawa so I'll sign off for a couple of weeks...


(posted on 14 Aug 2022)

Maybe I should start with trivia by saying that the gas price dropped to $1.39/litre in Medicine Hat but has risen since to $1.79 where we are in Manitoba today.

The past week found us travelling from Fernie in the Rockies to Morden in southern Manitoba.  The vast prairie horizon is interrupted by gun-metal grey silos and ‘lost and lonely’ occasional farmhouses; it feels like a hard and lonely existence.  But there is great beauty.

One of our first prairie stops left an indelible impression.  Writing on Stone Provincial Park in Southern Alberta is a gem, and a surprise as the road drops suddenly, winding through strangely shaped mushroom-topped hoodoos to the tree-lined Milk River and campsite below.  The drama and power of the hoodoos is a stark contrast to the endless prairie horizon, though the impact of both is amplified by the lovely blue prairie skies.

From Writing on Stone we travelled to Cypress Hills, a park that straddles Alberta and Saskatchewan, another variation in the otherwise mostly flat landscape.  The views and the shade are welcome. 

We’ve stayed off the main highways, choosing instead secondary roads with almost no traffic.  Those routes are not always smooth (!), but we found that we could make steady progress without the hassle of multi-lane highways. 

We did see and hear a “hailstorm” of grasshoppers hitting the grill, and at night we found large moths that somehow found their way indoors and gravitated to our lights.  Many of these photos have been taken through bug-covered windows as we travel at 90km.

Local, regional, and provincial parks are plentiful some offer lakeside camping - we loved Thompson River Provincial Park in Saskatchewan.

The skies are not always blue!  Night before last a prairie storm - thunder, wind, lightening, rain and hail.  We had noticed cows “bunched” closely together - as close as they could be - and wondered about their sanity given the intense heat and humidity.  A local farmer told us that cows bunch for two reasons; one to help them deal with the bugs, and the second when a change in weather is about to occur.  Sure enough the skies opened.  Bovine wisdom.



(posted on 7 Aug 2022)

Any travel from Pender begins with a cruise, a chance to slip into holiday mode.  We left home Wednesday, August 3rd, getting only as far as the mainland - a leisurely/lazy start to a cross-Canada trip.

Thursday we found ourselves in Manning Provincial Park - BC parks don't disappoint.  Besides privacy and a sturdy picnic table, our campsite came with a "pet" hare, almost as cute as the resident chipmunks. And there were other curious rodents around too.

The park visitor center staff recommended an alpine meadow walk.  We discovered a profusion of wildflowers normally at their peak in mid-July, delayed this year by the unusually wet and cool spring, now displaying their best against magnificent mountain vistas. 

We learned that these delightful 'bad-hair day' Western Anemonies began as bright yellow blossoms and morphed into what you see here.  Other meadow flowers included Fireweed, Columbine, Scarlet Paintbrush and more.

Friday we travelled through to the Okanagan, seeing and smelling smoke as we approached and drove through Keremeos.  Fortunately Oliver, our destination, wasn't badly affected though we heard rotor blades constantly as helicopters flew from the Keremeos Lake Fire to a small lake near Oliver where they dipped down to fill their buckets with lake water. 

The vineyards are - of course - green and lush and lovely.  Below is Burrowing Owl - just one example of the countless wineries in the valley; the vines below that belong to Jackson Triggs.

This morning we drove through picture-perfect Osoyoos, leaving the Okanagan for the Kootenays. 

We stopped for coffee at The Board Room in Grand Forks.  The interior walls on one side were lined with board games for sale, on the opposite wall were board games for rent, and outside was a "life size" Connect Four game.  Best of all, the coffee and treats were gourmet and the mural on the outside wall worth the visit itself.

Not sure just where I'll be writing from next.  The adventure continues...




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