Diane MacDonald




“You don’t know what you got (till it’s gone)” (Tom Keifer) 

My camera is my constant companion.  It lures me outdoors more often than the dog we used to have.  It’s more and more crucial to witness and record what we find around us - hopefully we’ll be more attentive custodians if we recognize the beauty.

Living abroad for 24 years, almost half of those in Japan, I found the foreign inspiration magnetic. Now settled on Pender Island, the beauty of the west coast is equally compelling.  I like to think that the elegance and simplicity so abundant in Japan seeped in to inform my aesthetic. 

My mentors include Jennifer Spelman, Eddie Soloway, Sean Kernan, Cig Harvey, Keith Carter, Arthur Meyerson, Sam Abell, Carlan Tapp and others. 

I make pictures of almost anything and love to experiment, but the natural world is the subject matter closest to my heart.


Photographic Credits and Exhibitions





Art off the Fence, Pender Island
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 

Sooke Fine Arts Show    
2024, 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2013, 2012, 2011

Sidney Fine Arts Show  (sadly no longer in existence) 
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Pender Island Fall Crawl
2023, 2022, 2020

Sea Star Vineyard, Pender Island
September 2016, August 2015

"Focus on Five" Photography Collective
Talisman Books and Gallery, Pender Island  
2012, 2011, 2010

Expression and Exposure 
Hunter Bisset Gallery, Vancouver
November 2011

Talisman Books and Gallery
Pender Island
December 2013
December 2009


Echoes and Edges
Published June 2016

Pender Island and the Salish Sea
Published June 2014

Experience the Gulf Islands
contributing photographer for Pender Island

A Southern Gulf Islands Economic Development Commission Publication
Published June 2014

Pender Island through the Eyes of Focus on Five
Featuring photographs taken by five Pender Island photographers
Published July 2012

Molten Magic
Featuring the work of Pender Island glass artist Wendy Hacking
Published April 2012



Recipient of the 2017 Photography Scholarship, Pacific Northwest School of Art

Honourable Mention
Sidney Fine Art Show, October 2016
Sidney Fine Art Show, October 2013
Sidney Fine Art Show, October 2012

Clipper Vacations Photo Contest 
Winner, best Victoria photo, August 2013

Guest Artist


Art off the Fence Exhibition
July 2014

Art off the Fence Exhibition
Whalepointe Studiio, South Pender Island
July 2010



Pacific Northwest Art School
with Sam Abell, 2019
with Arthur Meyerson, 2017 
with Keith Carter, 2016
with Sean Kernan, 2014

Santa Fe Photographic Workshops

with Carlan Tapp 2024
with Cig Harvey, 2015
with Eddie Solway, 2012
with Jennifer Spelman, 2011

Nobechi Creative

with Sam Abell 2020

Luz Gallery Workshops
with Quinton Gordon, 2013