Diane MacDonald


(posted on 3 Jan 2017)

New years signal fresh starts and resolve. Seeking nourishment for myself and for my camera,
I set out in what we call 'frigid' in the southern gulf islands to find - what? - light and unusual beauty.

The first shot appeared through my dirty passenger window, enough to lure me from the warmth
of the car.

Magic Lake lives up to its name, and would be totally frozen except for the gusting winds that keep
some edges liquid and create beguiling textural contrast between the sheen of smooth ice and the
shifting patterns of water ruffled by wind.

The seam between the open water and the ice shifts, adding mesmerizing line and pattern.

Ice cubes form where the branches drop into the water, and the frozen lake surface softens
shadows and reflections.

Winter overtakes. imprisoning fall leaves just below the surface.

This optimistic little guy hovers at the feeder along with some pals, clinging as the wind
rocks his meal and entertaining us with his persistence.

And, unrelated and taken at the end of 2016, a burst of light reflected at night on our rain
soaked deck - sheer play. I like the depth and splash - our very own non-pyrotechnical New
Year's Eve display.

Back to January 2017 - and my homage to Tom Thompson. Here's to a year of visual and
sensual beauty, peace, health, joy and happy adventure...