Diane MacDonald


(posted on 20 Dec 2017)

A note to mark the nearing of solstice and the end of 2017 - and to imagine beginnings as the new year approaches. 
The closure of Red Tree Gallery (a significant part of my life for eight years) means that I am looking back with nostalgia and forward for new paths to explore.  At the time of writing, mist signifies the unknowingness of what lies ahead.

November was windy and wet - no surprise - but even downpours may be interesting.  West coast
rain can be dreary - or, sometimes, golden, as seen through this back-lit wind-

And, speaking of glow - this taken on a more favourable day:

Fall reveals the backbone of trees denuded - sinuous, strong, earthy, rooted:

December brings the return of the buffleheads - en masse.  One morning perfectly smooth
water was ruffled by their arrival. Here they are beating a hasty retreat - they are particularly
shy and probably sensed my presence:

Looking ahead - my camera will continue to be my daily companion and I love that I don't 
yet know where it will lead.  At home I can't resist the marvel of sunrise; it spells hope:

As 2017 comes to a close, it seems appropriate to end with full-circles of pink/orange clouds and 
blue skies.  For each of you I wish peace, new beginnings, and fulfillment.