Diane MacDonald


(posted on 6 Jan 2019)

And, for us, it begins with adventure - just as the old year ended (and I'm not talking about THE storm of December 18th). We are once again venturing out in our motorhome and heading for warmth. Most of you have been on my Musings mailing list for some time. I have taken the liberty of adding a few names - names of people I think might enjoy "coming along for the ride", but please feel free to ask to have your name removed if you are flooded with emails and need no more. I get it. On the other hand, if you are interested and would like to read earlier iterations of Musings, including some of our previous travel adventures, go to my website, click on the Musings tab and scroll down - http://www.dianemacdonaldphotography.com

To get into the habit of posting (I've been remiss for awhile), and to whet the thirst for travel, I will begin with our December adventure at Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island. We walked to Botanical Beach at sunset:

We were surprised:

and delighted:

We drove the pot-holed logging road to find Big Lonely Doug, a regal Douglas Fir saved by a 
caring logger in 2011:

We are lucky - we don't have to travel anywhere to see the glorious sunrise!  

More from the road!  Wishing you a happy, hopeful new year.