Diane MacDonald


(posted on 2 May 2016)

On Saturday, June 4th, my new book Edges and Echoes will be launched at Talisman Books and Gallery. It contains a collection of photographs along with some poems in haiku form. Photographs work best, I think, when they are mysterious; in this way they are similar to the mini-puzzles introduced in haiku. Rich, textured, layered meaning is presented economically in both art forms, and both roughly use "rules of thirds" divisions. Finding photographs that connect with one-another in some way - through theme, structure, colour - is a challenge I find enormously compelling. Each two-page spread in the book is composed with a link in mind, and I hope the viewer will find both the literary and visual connections provocative - often playful; leading but not conclusive.

(posted on 9 Feb 2016)

Almost mid-February - no art shows - time to play, to experiment. Two recent forays into winter presented frozen opportunity (very rare to have winter visit Pender; ventured off-island) . First, frost mountains top the car.

Icicles cling to branches:

and to rock:

And painted rocks offer themselves to snow caps.

Lots of experiments simmering, including different ways to present images - stay tuned. I will too!

To see recent work please visit my website: www.DianeMacDonaldPhotography.com

(posted on 7 Oct 2015)

In addition to two Pender Island shows this month, I am delighted that "Old Lace" has
been juried into the Sidney Fine Art Show, opening in just over a week.

For the shows at both Red Tree Gallery and Talisman Books and Gallery, I have printed
photographs on aluminum. About three years ago I printed one of my favourite shots on
metal and, at the time, wasn't happy with the result. I "rediscovered" that trial piece a few
weeks ago and changed my opinion - leading me to experiment further with metal prints.
There are some significant advantages to metal - it is lightweight and durable, scratch and
water-proof. Best of all, it makes colour 'pop' and adds depth to the image. Some of the
metal images on show include the following:

Pender Island Shows run through October.

(posted on 26 Sep 2015)

I am excited to have my work featured at Red Tree Gallery, Pender
Island, during the month of October. Show opens October 2nd. And
also for the month of October (opening October 5th), Wendy Hacking
and I will be showing work at
Talisman Books and Gallery. Posters
with details of both events below.

www.redtreegallery.ca www.DianeMacDonaldPhotography.com

(posted on 12 Sep 2015)

I am excited to be showing with Wendy Hacking again at Talisman Books and Gallery
on Pender Island in
October. Show opens October 5th; artists will be present Thanksgiving
Weekend on
Saturday October 10th from 1 to 3 p.m.

Diane MacDonald Photography

NEW WORK at Sea Star Vineyard - opening next Friday, July 31st, and continuing August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
I will show black and white images along with mixed media - as shown below. www.DianeMacDonaldPhotography.com

(posted on 17 Jul 2015)

There is so much going on this summer that I want to remind everyone
about the great outdoor art show on South Pender Island tomorrow
and Sunday. Bring a picnic and settle in for art and music and sunshine.
Each year there is a group theme - this year it is the ocean. My ocean
piece, serpent, is shown below along with the Art off the Fence poster.

(posted on 23 Jun 2015)

Hard to believe we've already passed the longest day of the year with the introduction of summer - which means summer art shows. Art off the Fence is less than a month away - please mark your calendars, bring a picnic and come to enjoy art and music in the great outdoors of South Pender Island. I will be showing photographs and mixed media work under the trees. www.DianeMacDonaldPhotography.com

(posted on 16 Dec 2014)

Just back from Mexico fired by the warmth of the people, the place and the food. San Miguel de Allende is captivating - inviting, intimate, inspiring. And it's hard to beat the warm wash of the Pacific waves on the south coast at Puerto Escondido. I hope I have communicated some of this through the photographs now in a "My Mexico" gallery on my website. And just a reminder that my work is being shown at Talisman Books and Gallery until the end of December.

Merry Christmas!

I hope you will stop in at Talisman during the last two weeks of
December to see "Heat and Light". Our work will be in the gallery
from December 16th, and we'd be delighted if you joined us for our
festive opening on Saturday, December 20th.

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